
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Readers Brought Wonderful and Tested Prescriptions

Ubqari Magazine - November 2016

Readers tested many times and then opened their hearts for the readers of Ubqari. These are presented to you for the service of millions of people.

I am an extremely sinful person. But it is only due to the blessings of Allah that in whatever times I am the road, by the blessings of Allah I keep on reciting durood-e-Ibrahimi and aayat-ul-kursi, and due to the blessings of these two things I remain safe from accidents. I want to quote an incident. That I came out of my house on motor bike to go to the office of the Lahore board from mall road. My route was the road on the right hand side of the Regal chowk along with the Temple road. I had to go there. There on the corner there was an office of 15 police. Meaning that I left the house with this route in my mind. But when I reached the GPO chowk, at once I thought that I should possibly take a U-turn as I had something to do in the branch of National bank initially. I wanted to complete that. I took a U turn from there. And I had just parked my bike in the premises of the bank. I had barely taken a seat in the bank that at once I heard a loud voice of am explosion. All the people who were present there all of them at once said, O Allah, have mercy! When I came out I came to know that the explosion had happened in the building of 15 police. Meaning the same route through which I had to go and reach the office of the board. After knowing this at once I said Allah is great. The truth is that if today I am alive, then it is blessing of my Lord and due to abundant zikar of durood-e-Ibrahimi and aayat-ul-kursi. The purpose of my writing about this incident is only that if the zikar of durood-e-Ibrahimi and aayat-ul-kursi or any verse of Quran-e-Pak with firm belief, it has plenty of benefits.

 Coming out of the state of waiting:

Sometimes in our daily routinewe go to an office or to a friend, or for any such purpose that where we have to wait for the person we have to meet. And especially in the offices we don’t get to know that when the desired person shall arrive. Secondly his partners say that we are coming. Meaning that a person who is suffering from the state of waiting and is perplexed due to it, he can sometimes get angry as well. But I have a tested experience that if with a firm belief the following Surahs are recited with firm belief and repeatedly, so a person comes out of the state of waiting right within 15 minutes. Or some news will be heard about him. The sequence of the Surahs is as follows: Durood-e-Ibrahimi, aayat-ul-kursi, surah Kaafiroun, Surah Ikhlas, Surah Falaq, Surah Naas, durood-e-Ibrahimi, aayat-ul-kursi. Recite this deed in this sequence and this will form one sequence. Similarly keep on repeating this, but with firm belief Allah will give benefits. (Sohail Ajmal Bhatti, Lahore)

An Easy and Tested Prescription for the Pain of Piles:

Respected hazrat hakeem sahib, Assalam-o-alaikum!I was suffering from piles for a long time. When I would have constipation, I would have blood in my bowel. By taking medicines from doctors and observing prevention I would feel better for a few days. The life was going along well according to the routine. Some time ago the following prescription was published in Ubqari. The prescription is: Take equal amounts of small ilaichi and mathras and use one teaspoon in the morning and in evening. I used this prescription and after that my constipation healed. And the blood of piles stopped coming. (Mansoor Akram, Hari Pur)

Tested Deed of Millions For Every Difficulty

Respected hakeem sahib, Assalam-o-alaikum!It is my personal experience that my supply of goods had to arrive. The next day there were three holidays of Eid. And the supply of goods was absolutely required as I had to deliver it ahead so as to fulfill an order. The clients were calling on phone. And I was quite ipset. I recite two priceless treasures after every prayer with full concentration. I kept my purpose and need in my mind and offered two nafal of need. And then I prayed to Allah Almighty that O Allah! Please solve my problem. I had just prayed and while I was sitting in the mosque that my colleague came and said that the supply had arrived.

Whoever Got it, Benefited From it:

By the blessings of Allah Almighty whatever wazaaif I got from the Ubqari magazine, or from the sermon of hazrat hakeem sahib, I get a photo copy of them and distribute them among people. And I say to people to please tell their experiences. And then people come and tell me about their experiences. Many experiences of priceless treasures came ahead. Whoever I gave them to, they benefited them. And he got them printed and distributed them and the creation of God is benefiting. All of this is blessing of Allah and the result of love of hazrat hakeem sahib that he devoted his life for the service of the creation of God. May Allah keep his shadow on our heads forever. And may Allah add his blessings to your age, sustenance, knowledge, and offspring. May you always keep on serving the humanity with sincerity. (aameen) (R, Sh)

Strange Prescriptions for Low and High Blood Pressure

Respected hazrat hakeem sahib Assalam-o-alaikum!I read Ubqari with keen interest. I have tested many deeds and prescriptions from Ubqari and I have found them priceless. I have two prescriptions that I am presenting to the readers of Ubqari. 


For Low Blood Pressure: Take one glass of water. Mix one tablespoon of honey and half lemon in it. Take one longe chew it in the mouth and drink the above mentioned sherbet. Use this prescription only twice within a week.

An Unanswerable Prescription For High Blood Pressure: Take ¾ liters of water. Mix two lemons in it. Then put it above fire. When one ½ liters of water is left, drink it. Other than this a spiritual prescription that I tested after reading from Ubqari and I found it very beneficial, I want to share that with the readers of Ubqari as well. Recite durood sharif three times before the beginning and after the end. Recite Surah Fateha once and Surah Ikhlaas thrice. For whatever purpose you will make intention and recite Allah will have mercy. I have tested this deed many times. (Muhammad Ilyas, Sargodha)



People Upset For a Long Time Became Affluent With One Deed:

Respected Hazrat Hakeem sahib, Assalam-o-alaikum! I hope that you are fine. The way you are serving people, in today’s era such people are only few. May Allah give you endless rewards for this. And may Allah give you health for this. So that you can do your work nicely.  We are reading your magazine for a long time and we were searching for a messiah. With the reference of Ubqari we have a hope of solving our problems. The situation is this that my daughter is is sick for the past five years. Initially she had pain in her head, legs and stomach. When we had all of her tests, everything was clear. But there was a lack of vlood. We gave her medicines. But she did not improve (my husband is a doctor). Then we started having dum and amulets. But her plight deteriorated further. From where we used to have dum and amulets, her health would remain fine for one week and the she would start having pain. She would keep quite and lie down on the bed. She would not reply to anything. Sometimes her health would deteriorate so much that her breathing would stop. Then I would recite surah Mulk, surah Muzamil, durood Taj, qaseeda Burda Sharif and make dum and she started feeling better. Now by the grace of Allah, she is much better and satisfied. (P, Q)

Easiest Deed for Hardest Sores

Respected hazrat hakeem sahib, Assalam-o-alaikum! I would like to state that the Ubqari magazine is extremely wonderful and enlightening for the the heart and mind. I have never seen such a beautiful magazine in my whole life. Nor I have read it. I wish that I could buy the magazines of the past 10 years at once. It is a blessing of Allah Almighty who has created truthful and sincere people like you for the service of humanity. May Allah provide you with the highest ranks of this world and the hereafter. Aameen. May He keep the shadow of sincere people like you on our head for a long time. And may He protect you everywhere. Aameen. I want to present a small deed for the readers of Ubqari that I have tested many times. I hope that whoever shall read it, shall definitely benefit from it. For pimples and sores and especially for the hardest sores, that are often very bad, recite durood sharif before beginning and after 11 times and recite this prayer                      [ ط]. Wet your  shahadah finger with your spit and make dum on it. Or make dum on clean sand. Initially recite this prayer for three times. The second time, recite for 5 times, the third time recite it 7 times. By the will of Allah, the hardest of the sores will dissolve and not even a sign will remain. 

For a Good and Quick Marriage: Respected hazrat hakeem sahib! Other than this for a good and quick marriage I know of a wazifa that is tested. I hope that by the will of Allah which ever reader of Ubqari shall do this the sincerity of the heart, he shall be fulfilled about his desire. If the boy shall do it, he will find a good wife, and if the girl will do it, she will find pious and righteous husband. If someone is not satisfied then get an istikhaara done from a pious Muslim person. By the will of Allah the heart will be satisfied. The wazifa is: Whoever should do it, initially he/she should fast for 3 consecutive days. And after the Isha prayers recite this prayer for 41 days and pray and sleep after performing ablution. The prayer is     [ ﴾ Please remember in prayers. (A, B, J, Klorekot)

A Hakeems Tested Prescriptions

Respected Hazrat hakeem sahib, Assalam-o-alaikum!I had the honor of meeting you after taking time from you on phone. During the meeting I said that I am a hakeem by profession so you ordered me to write my prescriptions for the Ubqari magazine. So a few prescriptions are presented that are trade secrets.

For Itch: Black zairi, gandhak aamla Saar, kiri. Take equal amounts of them and mix them. Eat half teaspoon with water once in the morning, afternoon and in evening.

For Bloody Piles and Bloody Diarrhea: giri, laspaal, gonde kikker, sang jaraah. Take equal amounts of them, mix them and prepare a phakki. You can take half spoon in the morning, afternoon and in the evening with water as well. And you can take with the water of pomegranate as well.

For Diarrhea, Marore and Sangarhani: Hoo al-Shaafi: Take equal amounts of Sonfe, khashkhaash, soonth, kaali hareer, korsik and gonde kikker/ Grind them and make a phakki. Take half spoon four times in a day and 1 gram thandi murad by mixing in it.

For Leucorrhoea: Grind equal amounts of phatkari bariyaa and sugar and fill full size capsules. Take one capsule thrice a day with milk.

Safoof Mughalaz, Spermatorrhoea and Nocturnal Ejaculation: Moosli safaid, saalab misri, ilaichi khurd, taal makhaana, phalli kikker, laajwanti singhaara, take 12 grams of each one of them. And take ispaghol husk 50 grams and sugar. Grind sugar and other medicines and mix the husk as it is afterwards. Take with fresh water in the morning and in the evening. (Masood Ahmad Watoo, Qila Deedaar Singh)

The Best Deed for Improving Memory

Respected Hazrat Hakeem sahib, Assalam-o-alaikum!I hope that you are fine. I am reading Ubqari magazine for the past few months. I have benefited a lot due to this magazine.  Many problems were solved. I have never seen a better magazine than this. I would like to share a few wazaaif. They are are well tested.


For Mind and Memory: Recite  [ بسم اللہ الرحمن الرحیم

] 786 times make dum on water and drink at the time of dawn. By the will of Allah the mind will open and the memory will sharpen up.

Child Afflicted With Evil Eye: If a child is afflicted with evil eye or if he cries a lot or if he gets scared while sleeping then recite Surah Falaq and Surah Naas 4 times and make dum on the child. Write this prayer and hang around the neck of the child. [ ] (Asghar Ali, Jamrode)

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